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Official correspondence


11. Ministry of Health & Expert Medical comissions
10. Fullfiling UN resolution
9. Inclusion of social services with the priority of rare diseases in the National Map of Social Services
8. Number of patients in National registry for RD


7. Debate on Europe's Rare Disease Action Plan
6. United Nations Resolution on Rare Diseases
5. Updating the list of chronic diseases
4. Methodology for individual assessment
3. Vaccination RD
2. Action plan for the implementation of the final recommendations on RD
1. COVID-19

BHA press releases

BHA addresses to media on issues and project-related activities

Press release dated 08.08.2022
Press release dated 06.07.2022
Press release dated 14.06.2022
Press release dated 19.05.2022
Press release dated 02.09.2021
Press release dated 01.09.2021
Press release dated 31.05.2021
Press release dated 27.05.2021
Press release dated 25.05.2021
Press release dated 22.02.2021
Press release dated 23.12.2020
Press release dated 17.12.2020
Press release dated 23.12.2019

This document was created with the financial support of the Active Citizens Fund in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. The sole responsibility for the content of the document lies with the Bulgarian Huntington Association and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Operator of the Active Citizens Fund in Bulgaria.

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